Thursday, 4 June 2015

Summer Blockbuster Cast-A-Thon Links!

This was a little later than I anticipated but the good news is that we won. The Prime Minister of Canada has been rescued and the Neo-Nazi communist hippy ninjas have been defeated. The Prime Minister says he would like to thank everyone who helped rescue him, and he wants to invite you all to his house for burgers.

In the meantime, we should take this moment to recognize those who did everything in their power to save the Prime Minister during this unfortunately dark crisis. Here is a list of everyone who took part:

  • Over at Big Screen, Small Worlds we got quite a diverse group of characters. He got a few superspies, some tough action girls, and even an actual ninja to help defeat the Neo-Nazi communist hippy ninjas.
  • Dell on Movies also assembled quite the team, which he referred to as "the Ladies and their Johns"... literally (all of the men are named John). We got some old-fashioned blaxploitation, two Schwarzeneggers, and Rambo, as well as some dangerous female assassins, a tough female cop, and one of action cinema's most iconic heroes (that isn't played by Schwarzenegger or Stallone).
  • A surprise entry that came in at the last minute, Ramblings of a Cinephile brought up a selection that included a few classic action heroines (and some more obscure ones as well) along with a classic anti-hero and a Man in Black.
  • Finally, over here at Hitchcock's World I took some inspiration from Team Fortress 2 and came up with a balanced team of six men and six women. These included two superspies, a trained Navy SEAL, and Jesse Ventura.
Thanks a lot to everyone who participated. I'm not sure what I'm going to do next just at the moment, but I hope to see you all again in my next blogathon.


  1. Sorry I couldn't participate in this one but you had some pretty awesome results! I hope to partake in the next one. :)

    1. Well, I've had a few ideas for some others. I had been thinking about revisiting the Gay on Film Blogathon but right now I'm not sure that's going to work. I had also been thinking about doing one on directorial debuts that could be interesting.

  2. This was fun to take part in and to check out the teams assembled by others. Some great crews, here. Looking forward to your next one, whichever direction you decide to go.

  3. Pretty cool selections of rescue crews, kudos guys! Thanks John for organinsing, it was great fun!
