Saturday, 7 June 2014

Women in Film Blogathon

The film industry has a notorious reputation for being very masculine in nature. Many genres are notoriously male-dominated and I've written several articles dedicated to criticizing the lack of women in specific areas. We live in an age where we should know better, and I happen to have come to know several female bloggers with similar interests in film to my own (Katy RochelleBrittani BurnhamFritzi KramerKristina Dijan, Sati, and Mette being good examples). In fact at this point I might even know more female bloggers than male ones.

While running of my Favorite Movie Scenes event I got to thinking that this would also be a great subject for a blogathon. With this one, the intention is to draw attention to some of the good, strong, female characters we do have in the movies.

Naturally to keep things orderly I have to come up with some rules:

  1. The female character in question should have qualities that make her strong. That doesn't necessarily mean better than the guys, just well-written; we're trying to promote equality here, not reverse misogyny.
  2. Unlike my previous blogathon, I'm going to be a bit stricter here and say that each entry should only focus on one character. However, if you like you can write multiple entries examining different characters.
  3. If you can, do try to find less obvious choices. There are a few that I can expect are likely to get picked: Ellen Ripley, Sarah Connor, etc. If you decide to write about any the "obvious" choices, I encourage you to at least try and find something new to say about them.
  4. You are allowed to pick characters from any film from genre or time period you like.

One area I would suggest exploring if you like would be if you can find well-rounded female characters in areas that are known to be male-dominated. There are certain genres known for this such as war movies, science fiction (though it's gotten a little better about this more recently), and westerns. That said, there is nothing wrong with pulling out a character from a romantic comedy or melodrama if you think they are good enough. If by some chance you actually manage to find a movie that depicts a strong, well-rounded and competent woman firefighter you will have my everlasting respect.

You also are not limited to the present day, it is possible to go further back and still find well-written female characters (I've previously written about Howard Hawks, a studio-era director whose films often had surprisingly progressive images of women). 

As for how to submit your entries, there are a few ways you can do so. The most straight forward method would be to simply post a link in the comments, but you can also send it through my twitter feed or by e-mail if you want. I'll make sure to post each submitted entry here so you can find them easily.

Since I'm currently running this at the same time as a separate blogathon (and I've had ideas for another one), I'm going to set the deadline for this one much later, since I don't want anyone to feel they have to rush to get their entries in. This time I'm going to set the deadline for July 31.


Hitchcock's World- Tauriel

Hitchcock's World- Maya

Radiator Heaven- Ruby Lee Gissing

Dell on Movies - Troy Carmichael
Flick Chicks- Mary Poppins
Flick Chicks- Marge Gunderson
The Oscars Project- Jenny Mellor

Let's Go to the Movies- Hermione Granger

Girl Meets Cinema: Elizabeth Swann
Rambling Film: Anna
Hitchcock's World: Galadriel
Feeling Fuzzier: Mulan
Cinematic Corner: Elizabeth Shaw


  1. Here's my contribution - RUBY IN PARADISE:

    1. Wow, that was fast. I wasn't expecting anyone to already have one ready to go but that's great.

  2. Great topic. I'll definitely submit to this...just have to put my thinking cap on. BTW, not sure if you're familiar with Day of the Woman, but it is an oustanding, extremely thoughtful blog on horror from a feminist perspective.

    1. That's great. I'm sure you'll have a good entry. I'm probably going to give it a few days to develop before I publish my crazy cosmic adventure-themed blogathon idea, though.

      In the meantime I'll have to check that blog out. It does sound interesting.

  3. Can't wait to get into this. Glad we have a late deadline. My Bloggers Roundtable is zapping my time right now, but I'll get to work on something for this as well!

    1. Awesome. I'm sure you'll find something great.

  4. Oh this is definitely a cool idea for a blogathon! and thank god for the long deadline :D
    Count me in!

    1. Excellent. This one's getting popular I should be seeing some entries soon.

  5. Me and Allie will definitely be contributing and as we can only do one woman per post, we will be submitting two posts :-) Hope you don't mind!

    Looking forward to reading some of the other submissions.

    Thanks again.


  6. Posted mine!

  7. We've posted ours! Hope you don't mind that we've done a post each:

  8. Here is my additon!

  9. I love this blogtahon! If I wanted to write about Thelma and Louise would I be forced to choose between them? I don't know if I could....

    1. You could do it as two articles: one for Thelma and one for Louise.

  10. Fantastic idea indeed! I'm very excited to take part, hope I can manage it. Thank you for the long deadline!

    1. Well, you've still got two weeks so I'm sure you'll find something good.

  11. Great idea! I've just done a post on women in cinema actually haha.
    I'm so busy lately, but if I find the time I'll definitely contribute!
    Looking forward to reading everyone's posts for this.

    1. Well, you've still got a week to do it, so if you can find somebody to write about that would be great.

  12. Just got mine up today!

  13. Just in time! I went well out of my comfort zone by picking this movie, but here's my entry:

  14. Here's mine :)

  15. Wow great topic. I have to read it again tomorrow to better understand it. Very well written

  16. My favorite female in film is baby doll from sucker punch I love her she is great my pick Emily browning is my favorite actress and she was awesome on sucker punch.

  17. Damn, I'm so upset I missed the deadline! I have to say I agree 100% with Feeling Fuzzier's choice of Mulan. She was hands down my favorite Disney princess.

    However, I would have written about Jessica Chastain as Celia Foote in The Help. Unapologetically cheerful. Strong for being able to be vulnerable. Kind and brave in the face of prevalent discremination. It's not strong in an obvious, kick-ass way. It's more subtle yet no less powerful; it shines light and joy and happiness to people's lives (and to our screens).One might argue we need more of THAT kind of strength. And Jessica Chastain.. what a fantastic energy she brought to this role.

    1. Well, if it's any consolation I do still have one last blogathon for the summer ( It's a bit weirder but perhaps you'd be interested in taking a look and giving it a shot.

      And yes, Jessica Chastain was a lot of fun in The Help. She would have been an interesting choice.
