Tuesday, 24 March 2015

Why Breathless is the Most Pointless Crime Film Ever Made

Jean-Luc Godard's Breathless is arguably the least awful piece of his filmography that I have been forced to watch. Compared to Alphaville or Tout Va Bien, it's practically a masterpiece, but that's not saying much coming from this guy. Breathless is only slightly better on the grounds that it actually has a coherent story and some idea of what it's trying to be. Still, the movie is riddled with problems that completely destroy the experience. The editing is rediculous. When he was told it was too long, Godard couldn't be bothered to watch his own film to find out what needed to be cut, and instead just took out random segments (that's not genius, that's just laziness). Also, the soundtrack sounds more like it belongs in one of Connery's James Bond films than a serious crime narrative influenced by film noir.

The original script for this film was originally written by François Truffaut, and from what I've been told of his original plan it makes far more sense. Truffaut's original script was about a criminal on the run who finds refuge in a young woman's house while she slowly begins to sympathize and presumably fall in love with him. This seems like a decent idea for a crime thriller, and could potentially have worked. Unfortunately, Truffaut decided it would be a good idea to hand the script over to my constant arch-nemesis, Jean-Luc Godard. Once he got hold of the film, it turned into a ridiculous story about a dim-witted and unlikable criminal who ends up getting "unjustly" killed under perfectly justified circumstances.

The famous ending of the film involves this character, Michel (Jean-Paul Belmondo) getting shot by the cops and telling his girlfriend Patricia (Jean Seberg) that "you make me want to puke" before dying. The fact that he was shot is treated as an injustice, despite the fact that there was no reason it wasn't justified and the only reason it happened was because Michel is an idiot. He was ready to turn himself into the authorities at this point in the story, only for one of his criminal partners to hand him a gun. Michel specifically said he didn't want the gun and there was no reason he had to take it. The gun was thrown onto the ground, Michel could have completely ignored it, especially as he explicitly said he didn't want it.

Instead, he picked up the gun, and by this point the cops already knew he was dangerous, so they shot him. That's not injustice. It's standard police procedure. If you pick up a loaded gun off the ground and you have no license to do so, especially if you've already murdered a cop, they have the right to fire on  you. If Michel had just ignored the gun and turned himself in he could have done his time in prison and everything would have been fine, but instead he did the stupid thing and got himself killed. In fact, the just nature of this supposedly "unjustified" shooting goes far beyond the final scenes of the movie.

The fact that Michel is a complete and total idiot is literally established in the very first scene when he starts playing with a revolver while driving a stolen car. There is no reason why he needs to have the gun out, but he just casually waves it around and starts pretending to fire it. I've never held a real gun in my life and even I can tell you that this is a very bad idea that could go wrong in so many ways. Furthermore, the moment a cop comes his way he shoots him, also a very stupid move. At the very least Michel could have tried to talk his way out. Generally when you've committed a crime and something has gone wrong, all that is accomplished by shooting a cop is that you make the situation a lot worse than it needs to be. Just ask the guys in Fargo.

Furthermore, Godard also forgets to actually give the viewer any real reason to sympathize with Michel. In the same early scenes in which he is established to be an idiot, he is also revealed to be a misogynist, making jokes about female drivers being "cowards" (and later commenting, while looting a girl's apartment, that "women have no money"). Writing sympathetic crooks is not always easy, but adding that he is both a misogynist and an idiot is really not helping Godard's case at all. There's also the fact that Michel doesn't seem to have much of a life outside of crime either, as he goes on to rob other people's homes and basically mug a few other people even when there's no real reason it is necessary. I'm totally siding with the cops here in wanting to see him put behind bars.

Then we get to the central conflict, where Michel (rather stupidly) shoots a cop, does absolutely nothing to dispose of the body or conceal any evidence against him, and (correctly) realizes he is in a large pile of trouble and needs to get out of town. A sensible criminal might try to get any remaining affairs in order as quickly as possible before getting out, but Michel does something different. Instead, he decides to invite Partricia (who has no knowledge of his criminal activity) with him to go to Rome. It's an unusual idea but there's no harm in asking, so he proposes it to her (while also buying a newspaper from her and then shoving it back in her face because it doesn't have a horoscope in it) and she doesn't agree to go with him. Now that should be the end of it, and after seeing her kissing another man that confirms with 100% certainty that she's not going to go to Rome with him, especially not when she has a stable job in Paris.

However, Michel doesn't take no for an answer, and instead decides to keep pressing the issue. He doesn't do this by bringing her flowers or perhaps talking to her on the street or calling her or otherwise trying to find a sensible channel for communication. He is so obsessed with sex that he literally breaks into her apartment, takes off his clothes, climbs into her bed, and just waits for her to show up. As if shooting a police officer and not-so-grand theft auto weren't bad enough he can now technically be charged with breaking and entering, yet another very smart move by a genius like him. Seriously, why is this guy so insanely stupid?

However, there is another side to this. Not only has he just given the police yet another crime to charge him with, but he also does so not to see Patricia, but just to have sex. He constantly tries to seduce her for a lengthy scene just depicting the two of them together in the apartment, in which all he really does is try to get her into bed with him (while occasionally stopping to try and call an acquaintance about the fact that, you know, he's on the run from the cops). Also, he completely lied to Patricia, and the only reason she found out that he is a crook was because a cop told her. So to put things into perspective, our lovable protagonist is a dangerous criminal, a murderer, a misogynist, a liar, and a pervert.

Yeah, if you ask me, I'd say she was very much in the right to turn him into the authorities. Putting it into perspective kinda removes the impact of Michel's "you make me want to puke" line at the end, doesn't it? He's a horrible person who pretty much deserved the comeuppance he got at the end. It wasn't a tragedy at all, it was justice, and it only happened the way it did because he was an idiot who could have easily gotten out of this mess if he had just gotten out of town when he had the chance (he could have just phoned Patricia when he got to Rome, this was the 60's, it's not like there was no way he would be able to reach her) or if he had just not fired on a cop before he even knew why he was being approached (for all we know, that cop could have just wanted to give him a ticket for speeding), or if he had not picked up the gun he specifically said he didn't want.

In any case, the whole movie completely goes against its own messages. Congratulations, Jean-Luc Godard, you have me totally rooting for the girlfriend you seem to want to depict as "traitorous" because she told the police about a dangerous criminal who literally broke into her home to have sex with her. There is absolutely nothing redeeming about this main character, nor is there anything "unjust" about his untimely demise. Breathless might actually have a coherent story compared to Alphaville or Tout Va Bien, but it is a poorly thought-out and absurd one, and whatever Godard intended to convey with this film, he presented precisely the opposite.


  1. I'm with you here. I've only seen it once and was left feeling like it was completely pointless...and boring to boot.

    1. I had to watch it again for one of my classes, and while I could sort of see some of what was discussed in the lecture, all it did was give me even more reasons to dislike it. It may have felt slightly better but I think that's only because I've seen Godard do far worse.

  2. I've never seen it, and after reading this, I don't think I ever will. Nice write up!

    1. It's definitely not one I would recommend if you can help it (unfortunately if you're forced to watch it for a class like I was...TWICE, there's not much you can do). In fact, I'd recommend in general just avoiding Godard's films because movies like Breathless are a best case scenario when it comes to encountering his work. Breathless is just badly written and boring, believe me when I say you don't know the meaning of pain until you have been forced to sit through the nightmare that is Tout Va Bien (ironic when you consider the title translates as "All is Well").

      My guess is that there are plenty of far better directors working in the French New Wave, so if you really want to explore that area check out one of them instead. I've been told that Agnès Varda (one of, if not the only woman involved in the New Wave) isn't too bad, but I've never actually seen any of her work. Robert Bresson is also a far better French director (look up "A Man Escaped", brilliant movie). Just stay away from Godard.

  3. Critics and film scholars praise this film on numerous occasions but I'm with you. I haven't seen much of Godard's work but the films I have seen (Alphaville and Breathless) were mostly completely underwhelming, though I preferred Alphaville over this.

    I hate to be over dramatic but this is my least favorite film because, like you, I hated the central character and couldn't care less what happened to him but its Godard himself that makes me hate the film as he has this arrogance about him. I remember he refused to subtitle Film Socialisme. Urg..

    1. I've heard about Godard's arrogance, and that's definitely one more reason not to like him. In fact there actually are a few major directors who have also admitted to hating his work. Orson Welles, a director who I won't call one of my favorites but I will admit is far more talented, has gone on the record to say that he never got anything out of Godard's work either, and apparently Ingmar Bergman despised him (which for me puts Bergman in a slightly higher standing than other art filmmakers of the time).

  4. Godard is someone whose film I can't get into. I'll go as far as saying he's a complete hack. I have yet to see something by him that blows me away. I'm glad someone in the blog community is writing stuff like this.

    Truffaut and Melville are a lot better.

    1. YES! I knew I couldn't be the only one who felt that. It just seems so far I'm the only person in the blogging community whose had the nerve to explain in depth why Godard is such an awful filmmaker. I got to admit, I'm actually a bit surprised how many people agree with me on this one.

  5. Well, you know that we don't agree on Godard as a whole...BUT, I will say that I do somewhat agree with you about Breathless. I don't hate it at all...in fact, I do really like it, and I love certain aspects of it (especially Seberg's performance) but overall it is underwhelming and there is a severe level of WTF with regards to nearly all of Michel's actions.

    On that note though, I never thought he was supposed to be presented as a sympathetic character at all. Godard made it a point of exposing a lot of what was wrong with youth and societal culture of the times (and place) that he lived in, and so there is a level of fantasy or absurdity that is assigned to this film and the way it plays out.

    It's probably my least favorite Godard...which is funny considering that you state it's probably your favorite (even though that isn't saying much)...and then again, it isn't saying much for me either since, like I said, I still really like this.

    Still, Band of Outsiders and especially Pierrot Le Fou are the films of his that deserve to be considered revolutionary, not this one.

    Great review, though. You have a very detailed way of explaining your viewpoint, even if I don't wholly agree with it.
