Friday, 16 May 2014

Favorite Movie Title Blogathon

I recently stumbled across this blogathon thanks to my friend Katy Rochelle from Girl Meets Cinema, who in turn learned from its organizer Brittani at Rambling Film. The idea itself seemed like an interesting exercise and I thought I'd give it a go. Admittedly this one was a bit harder than it seemed in theory. I mainly tried to go with films that I knew but there were instances where I got torn or where I really had to reach out (especially for Q and X, the latter choice for which I know almost nothing about, just that it had a cool title), mainly because it is hard to find films beginning with those letters.

If you're interested in joining, here are the rules (as copied from Brittani's post):

1) Going through the alphabet, list your favorite movie title beginning with each letter.
2) You don't have to necessarily like the movie to use it's title.
3) Use the banner at the top of this post in yours.
4) Please have submissions in by Friday, May 23rd. (But I'll be honest, if you send them to me after that date, I'll still add them to my post.)

Here is the list I have come up with:

A- Angel Heart
B- Bringing Up Baby 
C- Conquest of Space
D- Duck, You Sucker!
E- Eyes Wide Shut
F- Fargo
G- Gravity
H- Hot Fuzz
I- In the Mouth of Madness
J- Jaws
K- K-19: The Widowmaker 
L- Lost Highway
M- Million Dollar Baby
N- Naked Lunch
O- October Sky
P- Paths of Glory
Q- Queen of the Amazons
R- Red River
S- Solaris
T- To Kill a Mockingbird
U- Unforgiven
V- Videodrome
W- When Worlds Collide
X- Xanadu
Y- Yellow Submarine
Z- Zulu


  1. Thank you so much for participating! I haven't seen some of the films I chose for my 2nd list either, but I can't help but appreciate their titles.

  2. Great titles John! October Sky is one of my many favorites here.

  3. Love the inclusion of Videodrome, that was my 2nd choice right after Vanilla Sky.

    1. Thank you. I was originally going to go with "V for Venetta" but then I realized "Videodrome" was too great a title to ignore.

  4. Great choices, Xanadu! Yes.

    1. That is the one film on this list I know pretty much nothing about. It was very hard to find a film starting with X and that one's title sounded kinda cool.

  5. I really need to see Angel Heart again. I barely remember it, other than the big reveal at the end. Anyway, great choices. Looks like we matched on several and there are others that I came close to putting up instead of what I chose.
